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A GRACEful Approach to AI for Teachers

Dear Members of the GRACE Community:

Warm spring greetings during this beautiful time of Easter, growth and reflection. I am filled with gratitude for the blessings that continue to enrich our beloved GRACE community. 

One of the cornerstones of our mission is to ensure that our schools are beacons of faith and knowledge, open to all those who seek the light of Catholic education. With the support of our 23 GRACE-affiliated parishes, we are steadfast in our commitment to welcoming every child into our classrooms regardless of background or circumstance. Together, we embrace our community knowing that it is through unity that we truly thrive to reach the kingdom- our ultimate yearning. 

The impact of a GRACE education extends far beyond the walls of our schools. By providing more students with access to quality education, we not only foster academic excellence but pave the way for brighter futures and boundless opportunities. Our commitment to nurturing a thriving community around us is rooted in the belief that Catholic education is the cornerstone of our students’ futures. 

I am delighted to report that our enrollment remains strong, a testament to the unwavering dedication of our staff and families and the enduring appeal of Catholic education in greater Green Bay. With robust and thriving schools, our students are provided not only with excellent academic opportunities but also with vibrant social experiences that help shape them into well-rounded individuals. Each child brings a unique perspective to our community enriching our classrooms with a tapestry of personalities and ideas. 

A steady enrollment also serves as the bedrock of our fiscal practices, ensuring the stability and sustainability of our schools for generations to come. Through the support of our growing community, we are empowered to uphold the traditions and teachings of our Catholic faith in partnership with our parents and parishes, nurturing the hearts and minds of our students. 

By Samantha Skifton, Technology Integration Specialist, GRACE

Artificial Intelligence. If you read those words and immediately think that it can’t be good for the future of education, many would likely agree. Artificial Intelligence (AI) hit the world like a tidal wave in November of 2022 thanks to ChatGPT, a chat-based platform that can instantly generate text. There are a few common misconceptions we would like to clarify. First, AI is not a new creation. It has been part of the technological world since 1950, albeit in different forms. Second, you use AI almost daily and might not realize it. Do you ask Siri or Alexa to play your favorite songs or to schedule a reminder? Have you ever Googled something? Has your digital map recommended the shortest route? And don’t get me started on personalized ads! These daily tasks all use AI to some degree.

GRACE’s Technology Services team was tasked with researching AI at the start of the school year. Immediately hundreds of questions posed threats to how we view education. Did students need to hand write essays? Was this something that students or staff should even use? The questions didn’t stop, and neither did we. We knew that AI couldn’t be brushed under the rug for another day. Our investigation started exactly where it should: with our faith. Pope Francis has been addressing AI since 2016, and throughout that time his opinion hasn’t changed: AI is a gift from God which needs to serve our human potential and will challenge our teaching methods, however we are called to use AI morally and ethically to promote critical thinking (Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to Participants in the “Minerva Dialogues”, March 2023). 

Our focus became finding AI tools that were created specifically for educators. These tools save our teachers something precious: time. AI provides an almost instantaneous digital assistant to our teachers. The teacher who used to spend three hours creating review materials for students can now create a starting point in seconds. The first-year teacher who wants to create a project based on the novel Wonder has a multitude of ideas in minutes. The teacher who wants to give each student a personalized Christmas story can save hours of time creating them.

There are a few things we would like to affirm. We discourage teachers from distributing AI materials without first editing and making materials their own. AI is a starting point not the final draft. The use of ChatGPT is discouraged for all because, quite honestly, there are better tools available. As for students, the expectation is that their assigned work be original, not AI generated.  Blocking or banning use is almost impossible, instead the focus within the classroom is exhibiting academic honesty while demonstrating skill mastery.

We have before us a rare opportunity to pioneer an ethical and moral use of AI for education grounded in our GRACE mission. Our teachers will focus on utilizing AI to enhance academic rigor, professionalism, effectiveness, and evangelization while striving for excellence.

This is an excerpt from the Spring 2024 GRACE Newsletter. Check out the whole newsletter by clicking the button below!

St. Bernard Catholic School is part of the Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE) School System. It is a private Catholic school serving Preschool and Elementary through 8th grade (PK3-8) with open enrollment. St. Bernard’s provides an individualized education in a faith-based environment. Each child is supported not only academically, but spiritually.